Interested in learning more about how your dog thinks, why your dog does what he does or what he's trying to tell you? Here are my favourite 'go to' resources for all things behaviour!
Complimentary pet industry services
Pets Need A Life Too (Enrichment ideas for literally every pet)
TheraPETics (Dog massage therapy, canine conditioning classes and rehab)
Completely Canine (Dog massage therapy)
The Other End of the Leash, Patricia McConnell
When Pigs Fly, Jane Killion
On Talking Terms with Dogs: Calming Signals, Turid Rugaas
Fired up, Frantic and Freaked out, Laura VanArendonk Baugh
Before and After you get your Puppy, Dr. Ian Dunbar
Plenty in Life is Free, Kathy Sdao
The Good Enough Dog, Nancy Tucker
Inside of a dog, Alexandra Horowitz
From Fearful to Fear Free, Marty Becker
The Domestic Dog, Professor James Serpell (Ed.)
RSPCA SA Lead By Example (Web)
Kikopup (Youtube)
Doggie Drawings by Lili Chin (Web)
Companion Animal Psychology (Blog)
Eileenanddogs (Blog)
Dog Decoder (Blog)
City of Charles Sturt Barking Booklet or Animal Management Kit (Web)
There's an App for that!
Sound Proof Puppy Training
Dog Decoder